Anyone know any helpful YT channels for seduction tips?
Are women in college normally this flaky, or am I doing something wrong?
What is the best playstyle for splashyard?
Best choice for first legendary equipment at near-max TH13?
Why are blue states pro mass immigration— sometimes to their own detriment?
Legendary (damage) equipment is making COC ESports unwatchable
Aesthetically looking good townhall level in your opinion.
What in the hell is this deck??
Are Ryley and Ian77 still friends?
Why did the community’s opinion on evo ice spirit change overnight?
Hero banners need to be more easily visible/identifiable when planning attacks
Haven’t seen this format in a decade but it’s the first thing that came to mind when I saw the new tower troop
This should have been a 5000 gems achievement.
Similar (metal) soundtracks to Hades 1?
Splashyard. What am I doing wrong here?
I've never played with sound on in my 10 years playing this game. Am I missing out?
What are your satisfying ways to kill MegaNut
Supercell is trolling
Lalo feels a lot worse with the hero changes
How do you find hobbies?
Make sure to upgrade your storages during hammer jam especially if you have runes!
What does it mean when a girl says she has “good pussy”?
Is there any pattern to which goblin the tower targets first when the barrel lands?
The new hero is 90 levels ☠️