Russian Villain Starterpack
breaKInG nEws: CapYBarA COUp D'eTaT As thOuSands Are feAReD DeaD!
Get a load of this Christofascist train wreck 🤦♂️
Actual old money southerners starter pack
Parked squarely in front of our local church
Eduardo Verástegui did another seig heil at CPAC
The hate is real. Human decency has left the room
Is pork lard actually bad?
Boca Mom Starter Pack
What hobbies are really expensive?
Green day: Fuck you Donald Trump
MMW: There would be an large power shift in Texas to expel GOP control of the state in upcoming Senate and Governor elections in 2026 and 2030.
Guy freaks out at UPS driver in the middle of traffic
Abbreviated way of writing Eighty Seven
My popular page is only showing relatively low upvoted posts (less than 1000) from obscure subreddits I never see on popular, what's going on?
[advert] oil commercial in Mexico (2008)
BREAKING NEWS: Dale has moved out of Casa de Lancaster
Favorite all time Troll channel?
I hate this stupid little man and his stupid ass clown cars
the bisexual women starter pack
How I kept my school supplies locked down tight
Irish Travelers unite against the common enemy, John Paul
The Hanging Ropes In Saidnaya
What got ruined by corporate greed?