Distant horizons + bare bones???
is there a song which you can PERFECTLY Beep Bap Boop? (you're not allowed to pick the songs with lyrics)
Pinku AI character request thread!
I pulled the new vegito is he any good? 🙏🙏😭
Bro has been oddly quiet since peak dropped.
Kemono alternative?
Danmark ca. år 500. Jüter er ikke danere confirmed
Drop them 👇🏼💯✨
Dude is gonna have so much money he wouldn’t even know how to spend it
Drop them 👇🏼💯
In a battle of just immortality who wins Ban (seven deadly sins) or Andy (undead unluck)
Is sarada's design still controversial?
Game where you are in a watchtower (sorta like FTF (ironbark lookout)
Spørgeskema omkring arbejdsproduktivitet/motivation (giv gerne seriøse svar)
On my first playthrough am I ready for the dragon?
What is the general consensus on the Live Action Netflix movie?
What moment in bleach made you feel like this?
What are your honest thoughts about Tione Hiryute
Why wasn't Zangetsu talking in his fight against Ulquiorra?
What would be your reaction
Bleach Origins
Which Bleach Character shares your birthday? If you don’t have one, l’ll give you one!
Base Cabba vs SSJ4 Gogeta (@Fade_Coms)
To be honest I don’t like chubby Gf