Will the job market and unemployment in Canada ever get better soon or have the immigrations caused a serious problem in finding jobs?
In the real world, do men need women more than women need men?
What Is Your Favorite Movie Scene of All Time?
What’s the cure for an inferiority complex?
What made you gain a significant amount of weight?
What’s the superior granola bar?
What is this thing called? Is it one of my negative psychosis symptoms?
What’s your opinion on how women are portrayed in Eyes Wide Shut (1999)?
Women who cheat are hated more than men who rape. agree or disagree?
Asked chatgpt to make an image of our interactions
Therapist told me “Reddit is weird”?
I’m embarrassed to be seen by my family members because I’m a mess right now
If a girl talks trash about you but not in a making fun of you way, does that mean she likes you?
A university is teaching a course on Taylor Swift. Thoughts?
ELI5 how is being feminist automatically considered being pro sex work?
Can severe insomnia that can keep you awake for over a week and last a long time be something other than the mania in bipolar?
AIO car keys aren’t always in the same place in a household?
Just look at that tiger! Absolutely mesmerising.
Does uoft have an off campus student housing union?
Do women who ask for money from men deserve to say they are feminists?
Why do women who say “I love to yap about everything” in their profiles always end up having nothing much to say if we match?
What was it like growing up OWNING music rather than streaming it?
Genuine questions for men
Should I study an economics degree?