Liberation of Undermine - World First pull count compared to every boss since WoD
Team Liquid vs CTBC Flying Oyster / First Stand 2025 Group Stage Round 3 Post Match Discussion
What’s up with the insane shipping costs?
Do you think the player number has decreased because of the removal of hextech chests?
Returning player: what's a easy wally to farm up plat?
Started reading the Hobbit. I'm not enjoying the little links to real-world stuff.
Late game is an absolute slog
How should I be gearing my monk?
I have been compiling data about team performances and it no longer seems reasonable to suggest "loser queue" is not real
How do you tell a player not to be moonkin or ret pally?
What M+ season didn’t suck
Why do pro league players or pro gamers not last as long as pro athletes or people who play actual sports?
Overly excited Tanks in MoTS
Unable to eat cheese if Vegetarian?
Why is tanking so exhausting?
Why Does Gandalf Have an Elven Ring?
Why would I ever play DPS again?
Gotta say I love how dracthyr can be every class now--Well...-Almost- every class.
Am I the only one who loves Wonderman and is glad he is in the MCU, but is upset/confused because they race swapped him?
Every animal on Earth is now the same size. Who wins?
The “new” cycle of patch notes
I feel like M+ Keystones are an outrageously outdated concept and actively makes the game (a lot) worse
Perfect example of how toxic people in this game are
One of the big issues with current m+ design is that a lot of super deadly stuff just isnt communicated as such.
How do I get the T2 set?