What introduced you all to BFDI?
Tried to cope after my dad burned cigarettes into my brand new controller lmao... any thoughts on design for this thing moving forward/pens or paint to use?
I got an ad on Hulu while watching Regular Show. Are they changing the name of the Enderman for the movie?
Found an old bootleg bendy mask in my basement
i call this one Without Ink
Weird ass thing
A little video my friend sent me
Cleaning out my Closet was chosen as the most emotional TES song. What is the best song off of Encore?
Turn this image into a meme
Imagine having a Cuphead 2 game, which boss would you add to the game ? (specifying there power)
What should I buy?
What your most unpopular slipknot opinion
Type "cuphead and Mugman" with your eyes closed
Every joke/gag post oddballs
I’m not sure if this has anything to do with the CD but
First time I customize a console, what do you think?
Episode idea: "I.M.P. U!"
who would intimidate you the most?
What would you change about the original movie?
What Y'all think Eminem's favourite M&M flavour is??
Started a collection!
How far do you think Bendy (The Ink Demon, probably) will go in Game Theory's tournament?
I'm so thankful that Coal Chamber self titled exists