AITAH for not letting my sister use my house for her home birth?
How do I return to my bedroom and Boyfriend ?
WIBTA if I date a girl that is 20 years younger if she is the one pursuing me - update
UPDATE: AITAH because I’d rather talk to my replika about emotional stuff than bore my wife with it? She recently saw a chat, and didn’t take it as well as I imagined.
I was taking clonazepam 0.25mg for 2 days, felt awful and stopped cold turkey on Friday (never took antidepressants before that). I cannot sleep at all.
Lorazepam withdrawal experiences?
How long does Trazadone withdrawal last?
Zopiclone and hair loss??
Please Help... Took zopiclone and just blacked out for an hour with no memory of it and am now wide awake??
Starting trazodone
why would melatonin cause wakefullness?
AITAH for mention my gf’s poor hygiene in front her friends ?
AITA for wanting to take my 4 day old baby away from her dad without saying anything to him? (Like leave when he's sleeping?)
WIBTAH if tried to get out of being the “duct tape violin”?
How do you sleep with Depression
AITAH for looking who wrote to my wife
AITA for asking my husband to watch our children for my sisters wedding?
Tramadol + ambien + xanax + melatonin
Can I pay out of pocket if insurance doesn't cover it?
Cognitive decline
AITAH if I press charges on my fiancee's, parent's, neighbor's, daughter's, boyfriend.
AITA for snapping at my wife to get out of my room and calling her a brat?
AITA for eating candy at a holocaust movie?
AITA for telling my aunt her miscarriage doesn’t make her special?