Best Advice that no one care
If you won’t share the og photo of your wallpaper, don’t post it
Should I get a rhino?
Dani California guitar tone(verse)
Just bought this Masterpiece (2$)
Here’s my wallpaper
Californication Remix Update!
Explain what is happening in this scene (wrong answers only): part two
Lock Screen
This jam was so good ✨
Gonna pick these games up good or nah
Room for one more?
My fiancé gambled away 20k 10 months before our wedding
27M Profile Review
i was today years old…
tell me your 2nd favourite arctic monkeys song and i'll guess what your favourite is
Why does this happen ? :,(
What are the Best 360 Arcade Games? ... These are the ones I have, any recommendations?
What font is that ?
Finally , Blur could be added to the collection
(22) extremely depressed and relied on drinking to get through the day - to now (27) sober, extremely happy to be alive and feel blessed every day. Glad I didn’t give up trying.
32M Profile Review
Is it a turn off to be living at home?
What one thing annoys you about the Chili Peppers??