Which celebrity gives you "I sold my soul to the devil" vibes?
What’s a 'buy once, cry once' purchase that actually saved you money long-term?
Towns with mountains in view
What town in the USA do you think really captures that Hallmark vibe?
How do people seem to know everything about anything (typically boomers and older) actually gain that general knowledge?
(1st Grade Math) How can you describe this??
How much a month do you spend on nicotine?
Day Trip to Xunantunich
Did bosses and supervisors actually come over to your house for dinner after work?
How hard is it to make friends here?
Moving to Thousand Oaks/Ventura
What sort of things get someone walked out of their job immediately without warning?
Farmers Market Recommendation
What did your grandfather tell you about his experience in WW2?
Purchase succulents?
What do you guys collect from each park?
How do you avoid getting sick when traveling?
Who changed their ringtone to that of a tv show from the 80s or 90s?
Auto body recommendations?
COSF Presents: "Oaks in Peril" with Kim Corella, forest pathologist w/ CAL FIRE
Best Thrift Stores Near Camarillo?
What kind of lawn mower do you have and how big is your yard?
What's your worst camping experience?