You can add “you piece of shit” to the end of any famous movie quote, what would it be?
Sertraline 50 mg - Mom’s Struggling Badly, Need Advice!
Dosage - what are the recommendations when it comes to how much Kratom to take?
Roast Me
I’m done.
Advice on Sleep at the End of Taper
F/31. Certified crazy cat lady. C‘mon, Reddit, do your worst.
What film really is rewatchable hundred times?
28- Be my 13th reason, y’all.
Need some tips on quitting kratom
Replace any word in a movie title with “Meow”
Things You Don't Want To Hear From Your Grandmother At The Family Reunion
Come on Reddit! Do your worst!
What would you do if you were turned into a cat for only 24 hours?
What’s a good comeback for “men don’t know how to do anything right?”
Comebacks for "you look like McLovin"
Conversation overheard in a restaurant
Ruin a famous movie quote by removing one word from it.
I need advice should I tell my mom?
[27] roast me all you’d like 😅
The worst pick-up line go!
The most embarrasing answer, when in jail and an inmate asks 'what are you in for'.
25 Years Ago 100%!True
How do I measure my girlfriends ring finger without her knowing?