How many credits does everyone have?
Something that's been bothering me about NG+
Am I the only one who gets annoyed by glaring errors in subtitles?
Don’t you hate it when your ship is so large it prevents you from starting the DLC?
What causes drivers to give bad ratings?
I didn’t want to go to the post office anyways.
Which one of those parked first?
Quick fix for illegal uber light
My first spaceport outpost
Does my car appear to be keyed or scratched?
auto start-stop is the single most annoying stupid modern car feature
So it begins... Goodbye rate card.
Would you have taken it?
How to level martial arts effectively?
Making drivers wait - just don't.
Why do you only SOMETIMES need a PIN?
Just started first play through tonight. I have a 1 question.
After 40 years of safe trucking my dad had his first accident today
What’s your favorite spacesuit?
Is Concealment worth it?
Favorite Romance and why
Which Starborn Powers do you use most?
First week driving. Somone left me some fairy dust in the rear seat!
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
I was trying to teach my girlfriend a dance move which required her to do a 180 degree turn, but despite multiple tries she always landed less then 180.