Currently looking at purchasing a guitar, which of these two is better for heavier metal?
just went thru my phone to clear out space and found ts gem
Who is it?
cut my hair after 5 yrs
How mad will she be?
Finally got around to getting one
This goober making fun of people
Everyone else's tier list is wrong, source? Trust me bro.
Green Day is overrated…
Bro wants to buy me for marriage and then calls me ugly😭
The worst day of my life
Just listened to Exist for the first time
how would this kind of style look on me?
how’s this for 18?
thinking about saving up for a quad cortex.
Horrible people
JustUnsubbed from logodesign
My friend group’s ranking of city of evil
Favorite cover of a Metallica song?
If there was a Lego Minecraft video game, do you think the studs would look like this?
Cry baby 👶
Drop the most painful lyrics you’ve ever heard
How would you describe Syn's guitar style with 1 word?