New to ultras or running? Ask your questions about shoes, racing or training in our weekly Beginner's Thread!
Ranking Nootropic and CBD Pouch alternatives (Aura, NZE, Cannadips)
Financial Planner worth it?
My dad died I'm 30
Best social media manager tool
Software for Social Media Management Recommendations
Coast feedback
Procreate Dreams
crm recommendations
What should my hourly rate be for consulting on the side
How to deal with the boredom while coasting
Let's talk about our dark FIRE secrets
Those who used a computer at least once between 1990 and 2001, what was the most memorable computer game you played during that era? Why?
Chook is mediocre
Is there a group for FIRE with kids?
My FA want to know why I want to go VTI/VSUX instead of sticking with his mixed dividend plan
How much longer would you work under these circumstances?
36F married with 2 kids (5 and 2). NW 1.6m excluding kids’ 529. Yearly expenses with child care $144K. Home equity approx 500K. Managed portfolio+ Roth IRAs. I feel like our number is 4m but is that too high? Could I coast now?
Pulling the trigger soon
State of the Dumbphone 2024 (READ THIS FIRST)
Dr. Phil is not convinced about magic mushrooms and mental health
Which trim packages offer a bucket/bench seat option?? Don’t want captains chairs in the back
USB Issues?