Ebon Hawk Internals Tentatively Completed! Next up- the outside shell.
I ask, which letter design do you like best? A or B?
Noob question about evaluating prototypes
Ebon Hawk internals almost halfway 3D remodeled!
Anyone know of any swoop bike STL's?
A manageable destroyer to 3D print?
New LIF RP/PVP Server! Age of Anarchy
New Life is Feudal YO RP/PVP Server! "Age of Anarchy"
My graduation thesis: Person Following Robot - Smart Trolley ððð, which runs in real-time on Jetson Nano and can work in all complex types of floors with 3D Vision
Is this Legit?
What are some over the counter meds & medical supplies that are good to have?
Looking for the best solar generator
Better to have multiple guns of same caliber or different?
Weapon Alternatives to Guns?
Tormek T4 for re-profiling
When you have to sing at the Superbowl at 5:30 but...
When you have to sing at the superbowl at 5:30 but...
When you have to sing at the Superbowl at 5:30 but..
When you have to Sing at the Superbowl..
Best options for backup knowledge?
Viable skills / equipment to barter with?
Viable items to stock up on to trade?