Players first time experience
Tracklog is DEAD
How do you rank up in this game?
When this game releases, which hero will new players die to the most because they don't know their abilities.
Heavy melee cancel
Eternus Player
Can we stop acting like the game is a finished product?
Sinner's Sacrifice reward isn't OP, it just needs an actual sacrifice/risk to the reward:
The soul orb mechanic has to change
Face of Deadlock
We're doing one of these now. What's a great item that's loved by the player base?
Is the replay feature just bad or is this haze cheating?
When are we expecting next update?
Siege trooper found in the major update (clip from discord)
Reset ranks during beta more often, please.
What is the point in playing ranked?
Content for deadlock
Elo reset needed
Character's mains stereotypes. Day 17 - Pocket mains
Mcginnis fucking sucks
Confused on mastery
Any Sinclair streamers?
Who do you think MF DOOM was influenced by?
If MF DOOM was still around/when he was still around, who would yall wanna see him collab with⁉️
One lane concept...