Is my cat- Maine Coon ????
AIO? Dog straining my marriage.
Help with digital file printing
How should I “holster” this, so I can carry it around at a con?
I have multiple problems with my wigs
Is it weird to go to a convention if I’m still in hs?
helmet wig too big
Mage outfit tips
I love this game but I suck at combat… any advice?
Destiny 2 is in the top 12 highest revenue games on Steam
Who Played BG3 For Their First Time In 2024?
Difference between killing and knocking out?
Finished a bit late, Huge Question
How many times did you restart your play through?
Do I need to buy the game again?
What else can I do for levels before act 2 starts?
Dark Urge Question
I made a recap of all the BG3 characters I've sculpted!
Not looking to steamroll the game.
Which class do you think has the most satisfying animation?
Woman getting harassed by a stranger
Took my dog and moved to the city to become a nurse. Here is what we left behind. [OC]
Love in 30 seconds
Youtube Premium is totally worth it.
For the ones who make over $150k a year, what do you do to get that?