Dry cracked hands
Advice for purchase
Won't you Bee my honey by me at private studio, 13th hour tattoo, butler PA
What are your touch up policies?
Started on this circus themed leg, by me
Thoughts on tattooing minors?
Fox tattoo I did
Cut with needle
Pot of Greed done by Stone Smith at Rosa Grande Tattoo in Sonoma, CA
First tattoo I want
Recurring wrist pain
Yes, her name is Cerberus. From Riley Hoffman, Roots Deep Tattoo, Salem OR.
What they asked for vs what they got. Done by me, Mike Dietrich, 13th Hour Tattoo, butler PA
The boy who lived, has come to die
Too soon to DM?
My brother got this tattoo around a month ago. There are bumps on it now and we were wondering what they were