I feel a little weird using other people's faces as a face claim
Social media and shifting?
How do you sleep during your period?
Did these creators get banned?
Would anybody here be interested if I made my bots public?
It wont stop
Access Restricted?
What kind of bots do you rp with?
How do you write a script for something you don't know much about?
What happens if you die in a DR
Where are you writing your scripts?
Anything important I should script for my WR?
I have several DRs and can't pick which one to shift to first
Where are you shifting to?
I need help with this one thing
How can I shift when I get distracted so easily?
Are kids infiltrating this place?
This could help to visualise
What is everyone freaking out about??
Do you guys RP as the opposite gender?
I nearly shifted!
How do I get ready?
Have you dreamed about your DR?