Вы понимаете русский перевод?
Я постарался написать примеры с глаголами я на днях обнаружил
found in cheat engine, is it a virus or not?
why do you love/dislike Russia?
a person who doesn't like anime watches any anime that you recommend, which anime you recommend, to convince him that it's not shit
Men, what would you do if you stayed in a girl's body for 48 hours?
which crypipasta scared you the most (for example, a smiling dog, etc.)?
Am I the only one who sees this on youtube if you search for "-"? and the recordings begin in Bengali (by the way, it worked with a dot for a long time)?
I'm the only one who sees it on youtube if I search for "-" and the continuation shows me this - আকাশে অনেক তারার ভিড়ে 🙂 - আমি তোরে খুইজা পাইলাম না রে 💔 😢?
what kind of photo/video is harmless, but if you don't dive into its history?
what's the scariest thing you've come across on YouTube or on the internet?
Which country has the best food?
what is killing you from the inside morally?
what is killing you from the inside morally? I think this is the realization that no one needs you (for example, your friends) and they communicate with you through force.
Mushroom Village
I'm from russia
"Y-You're going to use that to cut the birthday cake right?" (By Bizarre-Deer on DA)
125 minecraft
OLD minecraft