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Books for Catholic Men
I am so dumb
What is the worst heresy in your country?
Catholic or Orthodox?
My friend is disrespecting my faith
What do i do? I cant find a church that satisfies me.
How does one overcome the fear of death?
How do you know your religion is true and all the other ones are not?(i'm just curious, not trying to start an argument)
Do you still like Fr Robinson after his blatant Nazi salute?
Father Calvin Robinson finished his remarks at the National Pro-Life Summit by throwing a nazi salute, much to the delight of the crowd.
Genuine question
Do you think RZ's brand stops him from seriously considering Catholicism or Orthodoxy
Why is self gradification a sin?
Most Influential Book You've Read and Why?
Can someone become Catholic if…
What year did you start watching jack
I wish my parents found God
Why do I get horny when I'm at a hotel?
Who are you sitting next to?
Afraid of sharing my faith
Wait reassurance is bad
Do I have to wait until lent?
What are you guys gonna give up for lent?