Open question about Indigenous Peoples episodes in sci-fi.
Guys I don’t get it 😭
Baron, L'orc, Della, Metra, and Pembroke
Anyone actually know what the name is supposed to be?
Did I miss an important plot episode/arc, or am I supposed to pretend this is a different person?
My cousin wants to name her baby Fructane and I’m dying inside
One of my favorite epic moment
Help me and my fam choose one of these games. First time boardgame buyers!
Saw this and thought it was Stargate cosplayers…
?What vest is this?
What is the absolute worst bad luck streak you have ever had?
My kid is being a dickhead
Nick, buddy, we need full recordings of Thorns' songs
What do you think Vader was doing/thinking in this scene before Solo arrived?
Pickles was originally from Chicago
What's the most random skill you have that never fails to impress people?
Visiting Adelaide for the first time ever, never even been to SA. We have 7 days - what shouldn’t we miss? What will make us want to come back?
What's a "red flag" in a TV show that tells you it's about to go downhill?
Kid goes on our childhood dream adventure
Sgt. Siler what are you doing in a X-Men movie
A woman opened her door to see two policeman standing there.
If you won the lottery, what older game would you immediately fund a deluxe remake of?
you will be given 1 million dollars if you can present a 30 minute TED talk within 5 minutes with 0 preparation. what are you going to talk about?
What is the best Wi-Fi name you have seen in your entire life?
What’s a medical myth that people still believe but has been debunked?
Another post just reminded me of something. In high school in the 70’s/80’s, this lunch item was a big go to for lunch. If you weren’t having a sausage roll on a roll with sauce you just weren’t cool. Was it a thing at many schools?