An insurmountable foe finally felled... Only to reveal they are one of many
This goofy little guy is actually your god
The hypocrisy is real
Tell me a game where your choices don’t matter.
Why is my work computer running Windows installer with maximum effort?
Is there a way to get SVGs of the Webkinz portraits for your pet? Or is that a Photoshop job?
So can he run on air
[DISC] Chainsaw Man - Ch. 196 links
real talk: What is Shadow's TRUE main theme?
On Metal Gear Solid 3
Running without legs
I am enraged
Does anyone have a png or svg of the absolute solver symbol with glow?
Powerful character works, or has worked, a regular job
They are strong/brutish but never underestimate their intelligence
"When did they get so close?" (Characters Who are so freakishly fast all you see is them getting close in an instant)
To vote for Trump then beg the Dems to stop him
Just listened to the Sonic x Shadow Twitter Takeover, these are my favorite takeaways
30 yr old too late?
Why Eggman never used his shadow androids again? is he stupid?
What is the best insurance to get in this area?
Korega… Requiem da
I don't know what it is, but something about this screams the depths of depravity, and it just keeps coming back no matter how often I say I'm not interested
New Year's Facial Hair Emergency