Spotted in the wild
Took a month but it worked
Was what he said inappropriate?
What am I doing wrong?
AIO? Long distance girlfriend wants to take a break
Struggling to resist texting your ex? Drop in the comments what you wish you could say to them!!!!!!
What would you name him?
8 team playoff first two seed bye
This is a first, this man sent me a LONG list of requirements he has of a woman…
25(M) absolutely no matches in a college town for a few months
This bio ain't an bad bio.
My ex and I plan on getting back together. She had sex with someone else.
I’ve never met this man and we’ve been casually texting for about a week- nothing sexual until
Does my profile looks fake ? I’ve been blocked by so many guys. I’m wondering if it’s normal occurrence on tinder.
Guys, stop whatever you are doing and focus on getting this woman you have been looking for all your life!
Who’s side are you on?
I (23m) caught my gf (24f) cheating and i dont know what to do
Does this sort of bio put you off?
AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend because of a “caught cheating” prank?
Shit. I fucked up.
Why no response? Did I mess up?
Ruin a date in 4 words
Final update: I’m scared but so so curious.
Trying not to be judgy, but this is a red flag if this is the first thing she sent right?
I'm a 31M going on a first date with a 29F. Is it cobsidered cringey these days to show up with a single flower / rose?