Nation of Drizlam, We hit gold today. 📀
legendary king (probably AT) monster icons nothing much
I'm loving Wilds and its new mount right now, but I really miss the Palamutes
Just found this
Top 3 starters.
$$$4U got 450,000 sales. Good Job but
I think this duo would make a good lazei art
How’d an unreleased age so well
Recently post + new part
Jin Dahaad Biology Speculation
Despite all the performance controversy, can we agree that the final boss for low rank was fantastic in Wilds?
Gore Magala v Arkveld Turf war
Fuck Erik
About that, Aoi...
What if Pisnir was the middle stage of a 3-stage line?
The Entire Wilds Roster Goes Hard.
$$$4U got 363,000 Sales, keep streaming.
Me after the 10th, 6 minute ride to go kill a monster in under 5 minutes.
Zoh shia gameplay (ironically)
If anyone wants the ost just dm me
How Xu Wu feels being blind but being on sight for every Guardian
Is Chaggie a bland couple? I saw people saying it was the worst written couple in Hellaverse
any blackwhiplash hot takes?
FW arkveld design