Alright its been 2 months. Have we heard anything else on this?
Does anyone know the name of the song that plays in the firing range?
Heat Shade loba skin
[YOROTSUKI] Ash will be nerfed soon
[Hypermyst] 3rd person mode with EPG and Buster Sword only coming Soon!
Cross Progression
They deleted x1 holo
Ghost Level check 🤓 who has the highest?
I havent played Apex in 3 months and I was wondering if we will be able to craft any skins in the Anniversary collection event for the heirloom shards?
Burning Shores map in New Game Plus
Happy Redhead!
Is the battlepass worth getting?
Why the fuck do we get skins for legends we don't own over ones we do? This is kinda bullshit ngl.
Complete Map
iLootGames teases Mirage rework is coming
What do you name your machines?
What's your main complaint about the game?
What is this?
Still plodding through the remaster
[No spoilers] Cradle of echoes mission invisible barrier
60 tiers in 4 days?
Feeling pretty lucky today
Something really neat I just realized
I fucking can't....
Is it just me or the game doesnt look as good as its supposed to