Where would I find right handed power fist?
Just Primed and Base coated my Purifier Squad, now I have a question.
How important are bases?
I want to start an IF army but I have questions about the trim colors
My first model
I saw these at Sam's Club yesterday. They're clones of the Really Useful boxes that sell for considerably more. They'll hold dozens of normal height troop models.
First time priming. Is this good enough?
Death Riders?
How would you react if all the Automata from HH was ported into 40K?
Tattoo help
Is this list legal
Equipping Deathwatch Models
Finecast models
legion of the damned theories
I am new to warhammer and need help.
New on 40K! Quick question!
The death of "your guys"
What faction is best suited to satirize the alt-right?
Skatros loadout
Full 10th edition Astra Militarum codex review - Asupex Tactics
How to pre-order the Krieg box?
Black Templars use bolters sometimes... right?
New robots?
My furioso dreadnought's ankles aren't holding it up
Solar Spearhead in the app?