Imagine being beaten by a character that’s in multiple of your movies
What kind of new Pokémon would you had wished to see in Sword/Shield if given the chance?
What if Inverse Battles was more accessible than just that one house in XY/ORAS?
I don't think we appreciate how tall Sadie really is
[OC] Something really wrong
Big Vanilla
WARNING, DO NOT C|1$>"> ... +jh○£●《*@h:);n ... sk ... oU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
What if Ceroba became aware of alternate timelines?
Incorrect Ketsukane Quotes 17
Undertale: The Tale of the Fourth
What Kalosian/Lumiosian forms and/or evolutions are you looking forward to seeing in Z-A?
What Pokémon do you want to get an “unexpected” evolution in ZA
Curious Leafeon,[OC]
Listen to what Peter said
What if Charcadet becomes the next Eevee and gets more evolutions in future generations?
My OC player character for a region I've been working on.
What kind of regional variants or new evolutions would you like to see in the new Legends game if they were to appear?
even MORE human verisons of sonic characters
What place would you want to visit the most in the Gen 10 Pokémon games?
I've officially defeated every secret boss in KH, aks me anything (I've also defeated Julius and Mirror Aqua, but not on cam, so no picture below)
What regional variants would you like to see in Scarlet/Violet if there were more besides Tauros and Clodsire?
Do you think that regional variants could alongside their original forms in the same game or not?
What Gen 1 Pokémon do you think deserves a new evolution or an alternate evolution?
Fakemon Discussion & Brainstorming Thread - November 2023
What if alongside with Fossil mons, we also have some kind of new futuristic-esque mons to use?