"Because the people that preach tolerance, diversity, and acceptance are the least of all of those" Users on r/Me_IRL debate whether or not "moderate" is a codeword for conservative on online dating profiles
How common is it for men to be attracted to their female friends
What happened to Fun Male Pop Stars & Performers?
Why the sudden hate for classic rock/metal?
Why do you dislike corporate/arena rock? Or why do you think other people dislike it? (Eg: Bon Jovi, Styx, Speedwagon, Def Leppard, Foreigner, KISS, Journey, Boston etc.)
Poor people hate poor people way more than the rich do
What Grammy Best New Artist winner has aged the worst?
Lady Gaga singled-handedly saving us from whisper ASMR
I wonder why most LeopardsAteMyFace stories are about conservatives...
The recent online thread of cutting off family members who vote for Trump says more about the Democrats than those who voted for Trump.
It should be illegal to protest against America on behalf of another country (Mexico protest thoughts)
Rural Americans trust government less, no matter who’s president | This trend persists regardless of whether a Republican or Democratic president is in office, offering new insights into the political divide between rural and urban America.
Which Popular Artists Have Been Completely Forgotten?
It felt like Ahsoka was a side character in her own series
Why do people suddenly care about the plot when sex scenes occur?
Cara Dune, High Magistrate of Nevarro? This is the way.
Should Cara Dune Return?
Me when the film about a sex worker has multiple scenes where she has sex
Why was Dirty Harry criticized to be fascist?
Looking for street level heroes who aren't copaganda adjacent
Dustin Nguyen cuts ties with Marvel
the worst line of dialogue in each Star Wars movie:
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974)
Has anyone else noticed that SW Romances are dead under Disney?
Star Wars needs some romance... why isn't there more of it in all the new content?