Yesterday I completed Yakuza entire Yakuza main games especially Yakuza 6 the best story on the entire series after that some people always forget that kiryu is the best written video game character on eniter beat em up genrer!
Does anyone know how to perform the tiger drop attack is does not even show the abilities?
Which one is better to trade meme coins and hold
Which one is better to trade and hold coins
Playing wolfenstein for first time any tips?
I just connect my phantom wallet to torjin bot i just want to know does my phantom wallet hold the coin i bought on the bot or not please help!
Hell guys I have question about the Trojan crypto bot before i use it to buy is they a option were i can hold the coin I want or not
Playing crash of the titans after 8 later what amazing gamy
Dexter appeared Infront of my house!?
The Greyjoy family have the best story on the series in my opinion
Hotline Miami reference ?!
Holy shit hotline Miami reference
What is y'all favourite family
Ramsay is fucking sadistic and brutal person but i like his character no lying
Yesterday is my first time watching the red wedding i mean man wtf writers been drinking they killed a great character like Robb stark like that Very early??
First time playing the dlc after completing the main story this game is masterpiece
My favourite character on the game the fisher man always chill and have good missions
Playing dying light for first time
Please i need help here when ever i completed challenge on arenas modes i get no stars no matter how much I try i even turned of mods
Man scorcher one of best underrated badass character on cartoon history
Today is the First time I'm gonna watch the sopranos
Finally i completed Yakuza 0 now i gonna play Yakuza 1
Finally completed Yakuza 0 now i gonna play Yakuza 1 tonight
Hi y'all i need to know something of coin you know is going 1Billion market cap how much should y'all think i need to buy
What's y'all think how much should i buy waffles coins is already set to going 1Billion