DPS players have room temperature IQ
How many of you have Mains in each class?
To all the leavers and quitters: there’s nowhere left to hide 😈
What characters share the same bullet travel time with Magneto?
This game is frustrating
Is this the older model? Saw it at Wawa earlier today.
Guess what games I play based on my setup.
It’s really surprising that Torch never says ‘Flame on’, even when ulting
What game is this?
The first point on the new map can instantly end your overtime
How do i get the human torch blood moon skin im at grandmaster
So is this the new worst skin? Like I get it matches the rest of the 4's themes but like....Its just a change of shorts.
Has anyone gotten their Regal code?
Learn a tank. Everyone. Learn a tank.
Rewarding tank/support players is the only way to solve 5 DPS instalocks
I guess it is easier to review bomb the game then search for truth. Sad thing to see.
Starting out with birds
Does anyone ever really get 22mpg?
Triple support meta is going to hurt this game
How to claim regal cinema brave new world bundle?
This was a plat 2 lobby…
Winter Soldier one-shot combo (with animation cancels)
The best feeling in the world after being told you are “the worst healer they’ve ever seen”
A good fence goes a long way.
I processed my 9 year old steer