Folios I will probably never read but will never sell
Coolest names you've read?
Dune / War and Peace
The silent patient
Peeling a watermelon
When this game releases, which hero will new players die to the most because they don't know their abilities.
Chess ELO is Minus 500 When Girlfriend is home
The next time you feel like you instrumented a little long…
DM's what is a magic item your players wouldn't use.
Anchor Hocking Fire King Mugs
Does 2 books in a box count as 1 or 2 for shipping purposes?
It’s happening. Just a quarter away from $3,000 GOLD.
What's an underrated pizza topping?
I just finished Mistborn, WHERE DO I GO NEXT?!
Tips for direct composite on this tooth
Eminem literally cooked behind the scenes
What’s a book that completely broke your brain—in a good way?
Having done multiple thousands of puzzles on, this is the first one I've found that legitimately seems to be wrong, with stockfish showing Ne1 as the correct answer.
Magnus Carlsen Stalemates GM Christopher Yoo
Coming Soon | Neuromancer by William Gibson (Standard Edition) April 2025
I was told y’all like Bicentennial Quarters.
It’s Time to Clean Your Books. Here's How.
Do Brandon Sanderson and George RR Martin have similar prose?
Stop the theft
I organize a threesome last night