Dental work tomorrow - on TN side
Reducing Dose Only to Have Worsening Symptoms
Biotene - flare trigger?
Help identifying triggers
Not sure what TN1 vs. TN2 is but my long story just "sorta" ended 5/8/23 with Gamma knife radiation. Still waiting for pain to recede which may take up to 2 -5 months. Happy to chat with anyone else who has dealt with this debilitating BS!
Covid Vaccine - Did it make your TN worse?
I went to the hospital and it wasn’t a waste of time
Trigeminal nerve pain in one tooth
Life Sucks
TN and dental implant on other side?
Protein drinks trigger TN?
Cayenne Pepper and TN
Ear Pain and TN
Trigeminal neuralgia, prolonged extraction healing or TMJ?
Does this sound like TN?
Curable App?
Swelling of face with TN?
Root canal retreatment - post op pain normal or not?