What side character you think could start in their own anime?
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you my latest product, the dildon’t. Where do I put this abomination?
Which one are you 😛
I found Curry's first post from when he entered the lifestyle
What do my main 3 picks say about me?
Austin Reaves checks out of the game with 30 Points, 7 Rebounds, 6 Assists, 2 Steals, +/- +18
Austin Reaves checks out with 30/7/6 on 57/38.5/100 shooting against the Spurs.
What’s an anime you didn’t expect to like but ended up loving?
Zilong reminding Esme who the real late game monster is
Can Lukas ever beat julian?
My name is Coo
How can you make this guy viable in exp? Or can he?
Do you guys also shower fully clothed?
You wake up/recarnated as your main in the land of dawn, what do you do?
What song do you listen to while playing?
What hero skin you just see in the enemy team that makes you not want to play that match?
Which one of the big 3 would you say is the best?
Are the /r/NBA moderators Nuggets wiener riders?
holy shit, they made it even more brutal
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow • Solo Leveling Season 2: Arise from the Shadow - Episode 11 discussion
Which champion has the Best waveclear on every lane?
My friend sent me this drawing he made yesterday, should I be concerned?
What show is universally loved but you can't seem to get into?
New head icon skins : Miya, Phoveus, Yin