Adrenalin: How to set an custom oc profile as standard and launch it with the system.
Just another day at work.
The dev stiker becomes the dev strikee (yammy was at 95k health if you cant see)
Yeah, I know it's seal clubbing, but damn, a full secondary build Mikasa is just hilarious
13 citadels in 1 salvo
Average Silver Ranked experience
Maybe Maybe Maybe
Does my cat Belong to this Group?
Just found out the fondling emoji exists 🫴 🥜
cv disappeared???
Driver must be a cool dude!
[OC] Why didn't they just accelerate? (I was towing a 24' trailer, total weight 16,000lb. A last minute lane change was not an option.)
Name this boss
looking for the aslain mod that showed the radar and hydro infor on the tem panel like this in green color. Also when just pressing tab during the match. Screenshot because otherwise people will claim its already in vanilla. I checked the mod list now thoruoughly around 4 times and cant find it.
what to do as a dd to not get perma spotted by cv in ranked?
Berchtesgadener Land Bio Alpenblick. 3 Tage drüber
1st time cat dad, picking her up Sunday
All I keep seeing recently..
When noobs leave protected matchmaking
Bo is SIC all over, but has one little white toe
Hearing that a Super ship, the best performing cruiser, is getting buffs.
like what the fuck bro?
Blursed supports
Hi sticknation pls rate my stick that looks like a sword