What are the odds lol? I've seen two legendaries in a single apex pack but never three.
[MW3] I am now the one and only person online on MW3 for the Wii. F to pay respects
The "I just got rez'd and have absolutely nothing so fuck it anyway maneuver"
I drew some Frost Prime fanart
Can this play GameCube
Happy 15th Birthday to my Jirachi!
Can’t find micro as card slot
How is this possible?
Three times today alone I have had somebody DC on ladder after getting hit with the Avalugg special turn 1. What sets or strategies make you want to throw in the towel early?
When the ultimate gets cut off
do you prefer psylockes blood kariudo or vengeance skin?
Real or Fake
Message in my pasta box
Got a meat grinder of a gun
Got this on a benefic sale. Anyone knows who this fella is?
Finally managed to pick up a working Intec Platinum Gamecube Screen and the magic cable to go with it.
What was the first Pokemon you ever caught? Mine was Weedle in Pokemon X.
Best melee in the game?
Yeah it’s underrated!
As an Iron Man main this came to me in a dream and I had to make it real. Credit: Metagross10048 (Me).
[2] After 128435 encounters (19173 on phase) and 11 phases my 5% booger colored bear has shown
[4] Might get scolded for this. I built a shiny hunting machine that uses RGB values to hunt for Shiny Pokemon. Results after only a couple hours of running!
[Gen3] Shiny Kyogre after 9,506 Soft Resets! My RSE Box Art Trio is now complete!
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