What is wrong with Indian dads? What can I do to possibly help?
What was your first salary and Current salary, and your field?
Why are Indian men still not allowed to show emotions?
MIL keeps complaining to my husband that I don't talk to her everyday on phone. What do I even talk about?
My friend who took pcb need some career advice
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
Do almost all Indian women who are like 50+ have suffered from severe mental health issues?
Man, when was the last time you cried nd why ...
How are restuarants at Taj Mahal Palace Hotel?
What is a scam everyone still falls for ?
Why do we complain and blame about everything?
What is an unspoken rule of life that everyone should know?
What's Your POV on this Guys...?
I have Rahu in my kundali at 206.47 (7th house ) and guru at 191.23 ( 7th house). Is it still guru chandal yoga?
How do you tell the difference between lust and love?
Has the city lost its charm for you as well?
Where to move in India?
Another video from Madhya Pradesh Global Investors Meet getting viral
What makes you shit….literally??
Indians, what is the scariest or creepiest thing you have seen?
Where can I get best cancer treatment (breast) in and around Mumbai?
What life advice would u give to someone who’s turning 18 in few days?
I hate girls
Which state should I visit in India? Budget-10k
Which is more important: teen love or education and career?