My son was strangled by his bully at school yesterday
My dog saved a little kid
Wrapping a car ($4000 wrap)
What Taylor song SOUNDS the most LOVING but has SAD LYRICS?
Angels dont legally exist so, there cannot be a "best before" date.
Sand flowing like water...absolutely insane
Man overcome with emotion after cat rescued!
AIO for not letting my daughters dad see her
Male OBGYN’s
"Hidden mother" photography was a Victorian-era practice used to hold children still during the long exposure time (30+ seconds).
20/21 DPO- should this be a dye stealer by now?
20 DPO dye stealer!
Artist said I could lose my tattoo
14 DPO Premom
11 DPO FRER - negative so that means I’m out right?
CD 31 line progression!
11 days post ovulation according to Premom s
Premom CD 16- the most positive I have ever seen an OPK!!!
AIO or am I unsafe?
What does my fridge tell you?
11 dpo -husband says negative..
Proud daughter in law moment
11 DPO follow up from yesterday
Faintest squinter, easy at home 9/10 dpo
AIO I’m hanging out at my friend’s house and I asked my mom to sleep over. Is this response normal?