Wanted a BLT but got whatever you want to call this
Did the repairman break this piece?
Hmmm, I wonder where the cat went
X07 Screen Issues
iPhone screen is coming completely off with only a tiny strap attached but it’s still working completely fine, working touch, buttons etc. What should I do? Is diy an option?
Am I cooked
This mug sells only online?
Was looking around the whole house for the cat…
Pita bread
The most perfect Nutella doughnut you’ll see
New to Reddit, need help!
First month of PAL how did we do
The magical wand
Got to love quantum pendants
running bad??
Finally got my dream setup! St. Croix BassX with Shimano Curado DC.
Finally got a 10/22. Now time to do some upgrades
First 10/22. What should I upgrade first?
What was your first Mazda?
First CZ, I’m love
New rifle got its first kill
Was a great night for a drive, sad it had to end
Finally changed the headlight. Best decision made
Northern lights (Alberta, Canada)
The day that I was out and did not bring my camera :/ (Alberta, Canada)