What "early internet" website did Gen Z really miss out on?
Who is your least favorite Golden Girl?
Which Action film has the best one liner?
[Star Wars] So. Why is Mace Windu the only one with a purple lightsaber? *
Were the prizes of Duelist Kingdom and Battle City worth the risks/dangers? Would you have entered?
Batman took his name because of his fear of bats. Using the same logic, what would your superhero name be?
Who is the most hated TV show character of all time?
Last meal you ate and the last song you heard is your band name. What is it?
New tattoo question
What spec has the biggest button bloat in the game right now?
For the 35-45 crowd, what was your first CD purchase?
[Star Wars] If the Dark Side is a quicker and easier path to power, doesnt that mean that the dark side is just straight up more powerful?
What movie do you secretly enjoy, but the majority hates?
If Duel Monster's Were Real, Who Would Be Your Ace Monster?
What massively improved your mental health?
What's the most badass line in movie history?
[Invincible] Why does Invincible always get his ass kicked?
People who have stopped going to church, what made you stop?
Which band do you think has the coolest or most badass name in the genre?
[marvel] is ghost rider’s penance stare only effective against people who’ve committed physical crimes ?
What’s a scam that people still fall for, no matter how obvious it is?
You can pick a single line from a comedy film that you think everyone will be able to identify it from. What line do you choose?
Ex-NFL Player Posts on Bountygate
This makes me question what makes him so attractive outside of him being “the hero”?