AI "musicians" are insufferable
Työllistävät alat
All countries with "-stan" in their name
Ns. joka alan asiantuntijat
When to use kippis vs skål vs hölökyn kölökyn?
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A place that takes 8 days to get there
To the finns on this sub, would you ever move out from finland? And if the answer is yes, where would you choose to live, and how would you try to adapt to another country?
5 Million, but you have to stay outside for 24 hours.
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Name a band where every member is a fucking idiot
Why do people sleep on Yamaha guitars?
Do all men feel this exhausted in a relationship?
Why finns are soo honest?
Why do you love the devil?
What languages are you fluent in?
Is anyone else brain dead after Finnish class?
How can you wear all those coats and warm clothes inside buildings???
How do you write all these 'ää's?
Mitä käytännössä tapahtuu, jos soittaa hätänumeroon ja kertoo haluavansa kuolla?
Growing up did you really have to shower naked after sports at school?