I have a crush on Taurus and I’m definitely overthinking things.
Just so you know..
It’s my birthday and I want it to be over!
Why do I have this unshakeable feeling someone from my past is coming back, but I don't have actual reason to believe so?
Have you ever been told you’re weird/strange?
Taurus attraction
Stupid tweet
What's your venus?
Do any of you find Virgos so irritating?
Why does my pisces ex copy the way I talk?
Too empathic ?
I request some good, Canadian, rock n’ roll bands.
Pisces & Memory
(25) to (36) battling Epilepsy with Neurostimulator in place
An absolute masterpiece 🤌🏼
Favourite unreleased songs?
Any born March 11th
Anyone else struggling to sleep at the moment?
Hol up just ascending rn. Don’t know when I’ll be back.
As a Pisces what you secretly likes?
Anyone cut off all their friends?
Do you like Taurus?
Thanks but no thanks Instagram