Why cant i get into the world flipper discord.
All 5* non-alt unit flairs have been added up to Bulleta.
Teambuilding questions are now allowed as individual threads.
125 pulls and no Rolf... Completely demoralized. :/
Updates in the Implementation of a New “Pull ‘n Pick” System
So are the Moderators going to allow toxic people to stay in the community?
I’m epileptic. People on the discord channel were posting seizure inducing content and laughing about it. When I asked if they thought it was cool the moderator muted me
Dear gods of RNG, please stop giving me Bonnie in my pulls. I am never going to use this dumb bee and I have no idea how she fits into this game’s story and world.
NANI! Cagliostro @@
When farming Godly difficulty, do not prematurely buy the weapons until you farm all the necessary coins.
golem shop
Ancient Golem ‘Advanced+’ and ‘Godly’ Boss Battle
World Flipper plans to implement a new "Pull n Pick" system in the game
The JP server will be adding a F2P spark system for the 2nd Anniversary.
The Miraculous Golden Head Story Event
Happy New Year's Spotlight Portal
With which characters is it worth using the gems?
Newbie here. I don't understand co-op at all.. Why is it so obscure?
World Flipper New Year Event giving all players 10 free pulls for 5 days and many other bonuses. The event is live right now.
Free 50-Pulls Happy New Year's Spotlight Portal Event
User Flairs have been added.
I was playing on the JP servers and this popped up today. The game was fine yesterday does anybody know what happend?
Autumnal Log in Event
Uncapping Phiria worth it?
Are there any "gala" or "festival" banners?