Sept Terrions of Water, Wind, and Time
Looking for a manga
Kiseki character sorter
Trails of Annoyance
Ready for Reverie
Something Ippo needs to realize before returning to boxing
The trait of a mature man - someone who can be a reliable support for his wife and children when needed.
Update :AITA for refusing to let my mother-in-law hold my baby after she told my husband to get a paternity test?
Shizuna Rem Misurugi Art by @kyECtFeB4Q76985
If you were in the world of Naruto, which of the Sannin would you want to be your mentor?
got the aa plat
Hajime no Ippo: Round 1486
Harou Konoh becomes a good character with constant development, returning to his peak, but Sekibayashi dies for that to happen, would you make this deal?
Is the corrosion the stupidest plot point in the whole series?
Bruh I can't decide.
I would bury my face in Kevin's luscious beautiful hair if given the opportunity 🥰
The Ouroboros Grandmaster and Aidios
Rank Aurelia Le Guin, Lianne Sandlot, Arianrhod, and Ein Selnate
Hina vs Koga (Berserker Bowl)
Grendel Van vs SU Rean
Pop quiz, where am I?
Yumeko or Mary?
Arundel vs Kincaid - Battle of Intelligence and Wits
[Academy’s Undercover Professor] Any other manwha similar to this?