Female hygiene issue, help needed
This mom needs some advice please 🙏
Friend says that my hygiene routine is too much and that I should tell my therapist
AITHA for making my sister pay back my daughter?
AITAH for asking my husband not to walk around all “nude” because it makes my daughter uncomfortable
Pros and Cons between the two?
AITAH My boyfriend thinks I shaved and I didn’t, he called me a liar so I refuse to explain.
How do I gently steer my cousin away from a name
AITAH For Telling My Husband To Act Like He’s Mature Enough To Be A Dad After He Joked About Me Pooping During Childbirth With His Brothers?
Would you be upset if your kid told you they don’t like their name?
AITAH for telling my stepdaughter she shouldn't accept money from her abuser?
AITA for not apologizing after I made my husband "upset"?
AITA for telling my Mother that I will not allow my Child to call her any name except Grandma?
Escort Websites
AITA for Leaving My Husband at the Hospital After He Refused to Be in the Delivery Room with Me?
Terrified of this relationship
AITAH for telling my daughter I won’t budge even if she never speaks to me again?
People disgust me
Slow for me
Ladies we need to make sure our incalls are smoke free.
Recurring Strep Throat
Will I be able to rent again? Bad review of guest. [USA]
AITA for telling my sister my son doesnt want to be around her autistic son and that Im not going to force him to be his friend (leaving him friendless)? She says Im an ableist.
AITA for exposing my wife’s “secret” TikTok account where she sells our kids’ embarrassing moments?
WIBTA if I told my brother his 8 year old daughter is not allowed back at my house?