Two games. Big buyer givvy. Marble cardsmiths race. Multi-category wheel. Essentially my collection diminishing while i hang out on my free time. Swing by ✌️
If anyone is bored at night, swing by & say hi! 🕺If you have been to my show and would like to share your experiences in the comments please do! 🫶MaximosCardTunes on Whatnot.
First time ripper. What do I have here? Am I going down a dangerous rabbit hole here?
🤣🤣🤣 poor Daniel RIP.. i hope this can be a good lesson to everyone when considering doing dollar starts 🤦♂️
Found this card on the floor
With the discussion that's taken over the chat the last 15 hrs and people reaching out to me via chat.. read below
u/dangerous_ad_8410 you've been accused of receiving payment for a card and then not responding to buyer request of status, tracking or anything.. I have screenshots of entire conversation and payment made.. you have limited time to explain before you're banned..
Yall…. Long story short, This Currency Community is good at Crafts and Caring
Trading some Pokémon cards for some Cardsmiths!
Have you seen me? 🕵🏻♂️ Last seen 2023 in Urbandale, IA. S2 Greenback 02/10, S1 #44 Bitconneect 44/99, babbages 083/149, Ethereum Kids 50/99
PSA Card Submissions Stolen
Who is Satoshi? 🔥
Presenting your latest s1 break winners! Congrats all!
LFG! Live for the night owls 🤙
LIVE daily!...sometimes... Cardsmiths Marble race: $20 for 8 #s, if one of your #s win, you win the matching # gem. If none of your #s win you get 2 Cardsmiths parallels. Top hits in description
Rare Daytime Stream Today! ✌️
10k Members Celebration GIVEAWAY
Midnight PST show for my night owls 🦉 Cardsmiths Gem Marble Races & 1/1 Multi-Category Wheel 🔥
Whatnot Weekend Lineup!!
Hey All 🤙 S1 OG Maximo here. For stream purposes, this is my official MaximosCardTunes reddit so it matches my Whatnot. Swing by if you see me streaming!🫶