Success with treating intertrigo?
Random person sent me $500 through Zelle
Did I f* my kitchen up by selecting white laminate?
Winter cold sweating anyone?
Spironolactone reaction
Facial Feminization (Pt 2)
Why do these tiny bumps sting SO badly?!
oops i took a 2 week break and regret it
Does anyone use redlight therapy to help type 2 rosacea ?
For those who quit & went back on.... How long did it take for your skin to clear up again?
Getting back on Spironolactone
Going back on spiro after stopping?
7 years of tret/retinol
Sleep with tv on
Makeup on rosacea skin
Lumebox ?
How long does it take for Spiro to work again?
Any bible/religious book recommendations
please help before i kill myself
Stopping Cold Turkey vs. Tapering Off Spironolactone: Experiences with Rebound Breakouts?"
How common is Tsw actually?
What helps with red nodules? :(