I am convinced anyone who is in ascendent+ is just superhuman at this point
Do you get RR if you crash right beforegame is won
RR refunds only giving back half of what we lost?
This is vanilla with a resource pack. How do you manipulate models this way? How can I create my own? The cards on the wall are even animated. Also how did they make their holograms stay facing one direction instead of facing the player? Thanks
Why LOD in Vanilla Minecraft Makes Sense (and Wouldn't Be a Problem)
Just got siege and excited to play!
I didn’t really notice much of a decrease in quality in the animation from the 2nd and 3rd seasons of Invincible
why was this removed?
What speed do most people watch JackSucksAtStuff video's?
I get we are not the most popular country nowadays, but come on man
Quality of Life Concept: Striker/Sentry Gadget Selection
Trailer vs reality
Is there any hope for this getting cracked
Why do I gain so little RR even for match MVP?
What happened to ReRun?
Siege X running terribly
What if Noble 6 Got on board the Pelican in the second last level of the Halo Reach Campaign?
immediate buff required for harbour
Don't think this is a powered rail guys
(leaked) managed to get a screenshot of Atheino accidentally leaking seige x
Unsure if this is new, but they have finally added an option to tweak the Tinnitus SFX sound. This is great.
Leak about ranked in siege X
Difficult to read the time with the unique design of this clock face
Can Valorant be played without a GPU?
What feature do you hope they add in Hogwarts Legacy 2? Personally I want a necromancy branch