Gateway/foundation year
Christmas carol revision doc
How might you suggest the government go about addressing the shortage of doctors and nurses in the NHS?
When Are We Going to Start Outcasting These Weirdos
Dylan's shirt choice
Which is yours?
Wadanka baan u socdaa
Dylan researching red pill content
Now we're adding another hairstyle to the list of Dylan's million hairstyles
I hate 12-15 year old kid born in 2009-2012
Top 197 comments remove a country
Zionist like Somali organization
Do you think its a good idea for Somali men and women in university to take antaphrodisiac to avoid temptation?
Type an emoji or emojis that only troublemakers would get
The Somali practice of putting salt in a newborn babies butt
The way Dylan pronounces certain words
17 yo travelling
favorite somali names?
Need help writing a personal statement
Top Ten Somalis I can’t take serious
Who is this man?
Me when I told my parents my results
Europe but I tried to make everyone mad