Vpilot shuts off MSFS sounds?
Louve and the Band (discussion)
Setlist from Denver
David is a Beast. NY Show N1
First Timer (Oakland Night 1)
2024 Tour Buy/Trade/Sell Thread
2025 Buy/Trade/Sell Thread
For whoever is wondering, David killed it last night in Toronto! This guy fu(n)ks.
u/RidiculouslyPGuy is a scammer
US tour lineup?
Who is your favourite band member?
Lettre à Flore
Why is it still buggy?
London show
There's an article about Flore just released on Mediapart...
New limperatrice pic
Can the band keep the groove alive? Thoughts on last night's Barcelona concert
David not attending this weekends tour dates due to illness
The Only One
Louve, la nueva voz de L'imperatrice que deleita con su calidez.
Lille 11.10.2024 (or 10.11.2024 if you're from the US) Concert Setlist
New band member announced: Louve
Flore’s Statement
Please DO NOT be this one pilot.
Jimmy Smits actually stabbed the stuntman with a real knife. His reaction to getting stabbed was genuine.