(22) Artist, musician, camera shy as hell. I have no clue what I look like, so go nuts with specifics!
I went 1-7 today in diamond 1 please for the love of god help me before I off myself
She Shed build for the wife in 2021
Is tennis not for me?
my parents don’t understand how hard engineering is
Please help I can’t win a match in ranked and feel like shit
How do I get a job with accommodations?
Can anyone notice a difference? I don’t and feel demotivated. They’re 3 months apart
Went 3-8 in L1 today please help
Gym has one leg press, yet phone users hog it.
Recommendation for sweaty hands?
Yet another forehand roast request
Controller issue with update
Losing three matches worth of Elo because the other team was in “gold” should not exist and is why I quit ranked
How do I win when my team throws every game
How to get my account deleted immediately?
Stop jumping in front of me with your weak one-handed backhand
Competitive plays...
Guy vs Girl Friendly Match
How to mitigate runner’s toe and/or toenails being fully ripped off?
Honestly can't stand and hate people who says high school is "useless"
"Melodie's Hypercharge isn't Anything Crazy" Meanwhile Her:
Brand new 1kg bag of peas split open. My kitchen now belongs to the peas.
A single intact piece of my glass broke off randomly without breaking the rest of the glass
I need advice on waking up